Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A different use for a glasses case

I had to travel for work this week. While packing I found myself stumped, how to keep my brand new tube of foundation from getting squeezed out while in my bag. It had happened with my old one several times and there was a good few applications stuck in the top of the cap. I didn't want to waste any because the budget is getting tight and the stuff isn't cheap.

So I found it a safe home, my glasses case, I've got a couple extra ones lying around from the many pairs of glasses I've had over the years so it all works out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fashion and Style

Fashion and Style are two different entities that can exist on their own. Fashion is cultural factor outside of a individual person's control. It is there for inspiration and it's the art of clothing. Style is a personal thing. How personal it is varies from person to person. You can be inspired by fashion, pictures, books, anything.

I think it's important to distinguish the two to avoid getting caught up in expensive trends that don't really work for you.

I'm Sorry

I can't seem to get the time to blog these days. I will continue to post when I can and perhaps some people can forgive the erratic rhythm.

I'm feeling frustrated today. There are so many things I want to work on, my Halloween costume, some jewelry presents, curtains, but my apartment is still not organized and my scarf is wrinkly.

Funny how a little detail like a wrinkly scarf is indicative of how busy and unsettled I am.

On a happier note, this is probably one of the best pictures I have ever taken.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I love a good lazy Sunday. Today I slept in until 1pm, got my hair cut, hung out at Chapters and talked about life with my boyfriend. It was lovely.

While at Chapters I got to buy some books to help me start some creative projects. I picked up Simply Sewing with a French Twist by Celine Dupuy which goes through necessary supplies, basic to more complex seams, and patterns for around the house. Earlier I bought both Stitch and Bead both in a series by Murdoch Books which are great for basic techniques and some starter projects. I can't wait until we have our "hooby room" ready so I can get everything laid out and make something :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Flip Flops

They have come to be one of the first signs of Spring and they'll be seen well into Fall, flip flops are everywhere and I'm getting sick of them. I might not dislike them as much as my mother does but they are getting old. I know there is a lot of people who love them and I'm not about to throw my own out the window but I do think they are far from the wardrobe staple they are pretending to be.

I've seen women bundled up head to toe with flip flops on their feet. Considering the fact that they have no support whatsoever and make that annoying flopping noise the only reason I can think of to explain their popularity is the price tag. This is kinda sad folks.

We're all about having lots of selection so we look different everyday we're spending our money on trying to own as much clothes and footwear as we can instead of buying quality items. Let's say no to buying crappy footwear that are supposedly comfy but in the end do as much damage as 3" heels, just in different places :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All Work?

I've been travelling for work again. I got to enjoy my first helicopter ride today! It was very cool. Lift off was my favorite part, it felt like breaking free. I also saw my first wild bear but he was nothing scary (because he looked about the size of a house cat from the air).

I'll have a more fashionable post this evening :)


Monday, August 18, 2008

Yay for Shopping!

I got paid last week (yay!) so I finally got to buy some new clothes this weekend. Turns out I really like black, grey, and red. I did buy a nice fuzzy blue sweater but it's so dark it almost fits into the black and grey category :S

I also bought a new purse. I loved the one I had (a simple Lauren by Ralph Lauren bag) but it was starting to wear after two years and they have been reworking it with a minor change. So it was time.

I got this lovely Kenneth Cole Reaction bag, I love the big zippers and patent pulls. It's simple and easy to wear with anything (including my weekend sneakers :). The only thing that made me hesitate was the fact that it's a logo bag. I'm not really a fan of being used as a walking advertisement. But, the logo is not too "in your face."

So here's what I wore to work today, I'm loving my new striped sweater :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Business Trip: Time for taking care of yourself

The apartment is officially connected and I'm home from some traveling I had to do for work. So all things are in order for me to give you the following.

The majority of my business travel leaves me with evenings to myself. If I'm with a co-worker we might pop out and do a little sight seeing or some other form of amusement but I'll usually have at least an hour or two alone in the hotel room. So, I take advantage of the free time to relax and de-stress.

A hot bath is a great way to relieve the aches and pains you acquire in your day to day life (ie. my Ultimate weary body). And a bath bomb travels well, it's small so you can poke it anywhere and it's a dry product so no icky mess.

Exercise is a great way to work out a case of the blahs from sitting down all day staring at the road ahead or at power point presentation. The locations I get sent to don't have gym facilities but they do offer lots of walking/hiking trails. If it's going to rain and you have room, stick an exercise mat in your suitcase and do some yoga or a body resistance workout (I've used the one published in the Women's Health Training Guide 2008).

Finally, there's brain time. It's pretty old school but bring a book. If your not the novel type try a book of short stories (The Ladies of Grace Adieu was a favorite of mine) or a non-fiction, House Thinking gave me a lot to ponder. Pack some paper (such as the notebook you bought because it was cute) and rough out your next blog post (:D) or just write down your thoughts to clear your mind. If your not in the mood for either of those bring a camera (I usually have one with me for work) and try to capture your temporary surroundings.

Once you get home you'll be refreshed and ready to tackle whatever gets thrown your way next instead of bleary eyed and spaced out. It worked for me :)

P.S. No outfit pic today, I'm still dressed in my jeans and white t-shirt work wear.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still no internet

Should be set up for Thursday. On a happier note, I'm pretty much moved into the new apartment. We've been roughing out our ideas for the various rooms. Ikea is going to play a big role, ikea and books. We really like the Malm bedroom furniture. It seems perfect for a clutterbug like myself.

Well I look forward to when these BlackBerry posts are no longer needed and I can embelish with links and pictures.

See you soon,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I'm moving this week which means I'm disconnected until Monday. However, after moving into the new place I should have lots of material for home style posts!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


My family home has become something of a retreat for me. It's in a rural community and I love coming home to be surrounded by family and nature. It centers me and helps me focus. Something I really need considering all the projects flitting about in my head that need taking care of.

So this morning I had a relaxing bath in the whirlpool tub and now I'm all set up to read for the afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to plot out some of my ideas for jewelry, home decor, and clothing tomorrow with renewed clarity.

T-shirt.Urban Planet
Shoes.Nine West