Thursday, June 4, 2009

Moved to Jane's Big Ideas

Hey, I've stopped posting here because it was difficult keeping up two blogs. I'm still doing some style related posts but trying some other things too.

The new place:
Jane's Big Ideas

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I was busy :P

The last while has been busy but I did manage to play a little. Here's a picture that shows what I can get up to given a few idle hours before going out. Alex has often commented that the time it takes me to get ready is like water, it can fit any sized container (although not too small please :). This is a case in point, we were just hanging around the house before going out so I decided to start getting ready and then I got ready some more . . . and so on until you get the final result.

Alex wasn't sure about the bow, I kinda like it :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The skirt I got for Christmas

Worn for the first time today. I'm always trying my best to work colour into my wardrobe despite my penchant for black, grey, and white :S so this does the trick.

Taken as we were getting home from a yummy meal. I like wearing skirts and boots in winter because I don't have to deal with cold, wet, pant bottoms when I get home.

And that's Magnus trying to steal the show in the lower left hand corner :)

Monday, January 5, 2009


I've got an outfit planned for tomorrow. It should be good. Hopefully I'll remember to get my boyfriend to snap a picture on the way out the door.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A new year

One thing I'm going to do this year is post more regularly. I'm also going to consolidate my two blogs into one blog. It's going to take me a little while to get it organized so bear with me.

I'll be talking more about my New Year's resolution on my other blog.